Deposition Services

They’ve been in business since 1977. But that’s a long time to go before a makeover. After decades of innovation, they wanted a brand that spoke their values and set them apart.

I was asked to create a fresh brand identity system, so that Deposition Services could deliver their world class products in a package that told their story.

In the logo, the evolution of the lines demonstrate the transition from chaotic and unusable court data to the ordered, clear communication that is Deposition Services’ fundamental offering.

The new brand color communicates the energetic approach Deposition Services applies to every aspect of its highly competitive business.

Deposition Services
Brand, Brand Strategy
2 years

Consistency is paramount in building a recognizable brand identity. We delivered a Brand Manual, distributed company-wide, with the most frequent identity applications, mistakes to avoid, and how to create vibrant messaging.

A brand exists wherever your customers interact with you. Deposition Services asked me to extend their new brand to their letterhead, envelopes, business cards, and office design.

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